Clarity Way of Working

3+1 days

Learn our unique project management method, gain more detailed knowledge, meet other professionals in innovative organisations and join the community of organisational coaches certified by Clarity. This certification allows access to Clarity transformation projects.


Day 1 - Implement (Tools)

Learn the concepts and practices used to build a more agile and self-managed organisation in a modular and adaptive way, through our ‘Building Blocks’ approach :

  • Keep improving team performance through Structured Team Meetings.
  • Bring clarity & transparency to operational activities through Clarity on Work to Be Done.
  • Bring agility & transparency to roles and rules through Dynamic Roles.
  • Allowing for true autonomy and push agility further through Advisory Leadership.

Day 2 - Implement (Practice)

Experience the concepts and practices learned in ‘DAY 1 - Implement (Tools)’ through practical exercises and role-play.

Day 3 - Analyze

Get to know an evolutionary framework to analyze the degree of maturity of organisations, identify the best change approach and ways to assess its results by :

  • Learning the organisational types and the paradigm shift happening towards “Teal” organisations.
  • Learning the value-systems underlying each organisational type to better deal with change and adapt it to your specific organisational context.

Optional : Day 4 - Design

Go further and learn different ways to redesign the core processes & activities of an organisation depending on its degree of maturity and goals by :

  • Decentralizing processes thanks to Innovatieve Arbeid Organisaties approach.
  • Discovering how to design a team-centered structure, a role-centered structure and a client-centered structure.


  • Day 1 + Day 2 + Day 3 : 3000€ excluding VAT*.
  • Day 4 (Optional) : 1000€ excluding VAT*.

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